Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New things happening soon!

Well hello there! Long time no see... so to speak. I've been a bad bad blogger, not posting in over 6 months and all. I'm just gonna cut right to the chase and let y'all know that during my absence I've been maniacally planning and scheming all while producing a lot of art. What schemes could could I be scheming? What plans could I be planning? Well, I want to make art for a living. I know this is very difficult to do and some people think it's a dreamers dream, but I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't at least try. I have to start somewhere and it seems that Etsy really is the best place to start. So, I will be opening my very own Prettiest Thistles Etsy shop in the near future! 

I've been carefully studying Kari Chapin's indispensable book The Handmade Marketplace and although the book has educated me imperatively about almost every issue dealing with selling my art, I must admit I've lost more that a few nights sleep worrying about every potential pitfall and mistake I could make. My excessive worrying really slowed down the whole process a bit and I've recently decided to just go for it anyway! It's now or never! Sure, I'm aware that I will most likely make some mistakes along the way and I'm positive that things won't come as easily as I wish. But that's the beauty of the whole situation. It's work. Art is honest and hard work from the deepest depths of who I am without having to compromise a bit of myself.

I'm already in the process of photographing my art and I promise the images will make their way here before anywhere else. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Wish me luck... I'll need it.